I was shocked to see the photo of a 26 year old girl whose head, face and body got charred by the acid spilt on her by somebody’s inexcusable carelessness. The girl was returning home from office as pillion rider of her friend’s bike. The truck loaded with concentrated sulphuric acid, in the front of which the bike was stopped at a traffic control signal, had not closed the lid of the container after loading the acid from FACT Eloor. The jerky move of the vehicle on getting the signal made the corrosive acid splash on the poor girl burning her flesh causing severe pain and major disfigurement.
The extent of irreparable damages caused due to sheer carelessness cannot be justified or belittled. Negligence and carelessness has taken the life of two physically handicapped men this week in two different instances. Before getting down, the buses were made to move letting the rear wheels rollover the helpless men killing them on the spot.
I have witnessed an accident six months back which again is a breed of carelessness and negligence. A gentleman with his wife was going on a scooter at a very safe speed. I was travelling almost 20 meters behind them. A luxury coach went past us, faster than the allowed speed. Simultaneously an empty soft drink bottle was dropped from the coach. As it was never expected and was very close, didn’t give time for the rider of the scooter to stop. Letting the couples fall, the bottle rolled aside as if waiting for another innocent victim, could be the ridiculous passenger himself who threw it. The rider got his left hand fractured and wounds on shoulder and legs and the lady got a severe cut on her leg. Why things happen like this? Is it that pleasure is derived from these carnage actions? Abiding law is everybody’s business. Then why these types of wrongdoers are not brought before law and get punished? Everyone knows the answer. Yes, you said it. “Why should I? Let the snake remain there itself.
Some who try to do things to better up society are ridiculed. Can you believe it? Yes, you and I have to. When the first court order came banning smoking in public, we tried to make the smokers aware of it and there by save the nonsmokers from the passive smoker threat. We made some posters written “DON’T SMOKE HERE. YOU ARE BEING WATCHED” with a Jack’s head on it and were put in certain public places with permission. It did wonder next day by changing itself a mock spot. The Jack on the poster with a cigarette in its mouth!!!.
Why is it that certain people always take things the other way. They will start taking in things also through the other way. Those who derive fun from sadism.
The extent of irreparable damages caused due to sheer carelessness cannot be justified or belittled. Negligence and carelessness has taken the life of two physically handicapped men this week in two different instances. Before getting down, the buses were made to move letting the rear wheels rollover the helpless men killing them on the spot.
I have witnessed an accident six months back which again is a breed of carelessness and negligence. A gentleman with his wife was going on a scooter at a very safe speed. I was travelling almost 20 meters behind them. A luxury coach went past us, faster than the allowed speed. Simultaneously an empty soft drink bottle was dropped from the coach. As it was never expected and was very close, didn’t give time for the rider of the scooter to stop. Letting the couples fall, the bottle rolled aside as if waiting for another innocent victim, could be the ridiculous passenger himself who threw it. The rider got his left hand fractured and wounds on shoulder and legs and the lady got a severe cut on her leg. Why things happen like this? Is it that pleasure is derived from these carnage actions? Abiding law is everybody’s business. Then why these types of wrongdoers are not brought before law and get punished? Everyone knows the answer. Yes, you said it. “Why should I? Let the snake remain there itself.
Some who try to do things to better up society are ridiculed. Can you believe it? Yes, you and I have to. When the first court order came banning smoking in public, we tried to make the smokers aware of it and there by save the nonsmokers from the passive smoker threat. We made some posters written “DON’T SMOKE HERE. YOU ARE BEING WATCHED” with a Jack’s head on it and were put in certain public places with permission. It did wonder next day by changing itself a mock spot. The Jack on the poster with a cigarette in its mouth!!!.
Why is it that certain people always take things the other way. They will start taking in things also through the other way. Those who derive fun from sadism.