Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bit for the day

Tell me why we disobey
Where we have to just obey,
Taking things in silly way
Mocking others all the way.

Court has warned us more than once
About the use of plastic hence ,
Demo-crazy took it thence
To show that they still run at pace,

Don’t we smell the city bad
Rotting vegs and nonvegs add
(As we smell our ruler’s words),
Rats and dogs are at the jade
To have it till they get jaded.

Once we said to hold legs tight
Else the autos skip thro space,
Now to say, keep mouths shut
Or the garbage make it passé.

Don’t we keep our homes all neat
To make it smell and look so bright,
Why not let our city rest
And make its beauty not be lost.


  1. What you meant is true.I do feel that the systems we have are meant not for the public but for politicians. They earn and thrive.
    Your effort is appreciated.

  2. The art is good,continue to write.

  3. My last visit to mother land with a few of my friends made me shed tears of shame for the way we keep our land.I just liked your sense.Thank you.
