The habit of reading has declined in the people of all sections. But the gradual decline of the habit of reading in the students is an alarming factor. Students’ prime concern is study. They should not confine themselves in the reading of their course books. They need to have a wider knowledge of the day-today affairs and a general awareness in all fields touching their lives. As the present system of education tests the curricular knowledge of students through certain examinations, excelling in the examinations should, of course, be the prime concern of the students. The marks in the mark-sheets are very much required for students for admission into higher courses of study and also for job purposes. Certain qualifying percentage of marks is mandatory for getting short-listed for jobs and higher studies. So, while acquiring general knowledge, one should not forget the books of the syllabus.
Reading is not merely decoding information or pronouncing words correctly. It is aninteractive dialogue between the author and the reader in which theyshare their experiences and knowledge with each other to understand the text and impart meaning to the text other than what the author may have implied. Good readers are critical readers with an ability to arrive at a deeper understanding of not only the world presented in the book but also of the real world around them. They not only recall what they read but comprehend it too. Their critical reading and understanding of the text helps them create new levels of understanding, solving problems, inferring and making connections to other texts and experiences. Reading does not mean reading for leisure only but also reading for information. One may be encouraged to read on topics as diverse as science and technology, politics and history. This will improve the critical thinking skills and also help in improving concentration.
It is often seen that reading book projects are assigned to children in which they are expected to read a book and write a report on it. Though the spirit behind the assigning of the project is commendable, the project does not often interest the students nor does it fulfill the objective which is to inculcate in students the habit of reading.
One of the most important suggestions for promotion of learning is to develop reading habits among children. As habits are more or less routine ways of acting they are considered as second nature. Happiness depends on developing good habits which in turn motivate behavior. Hence efforts should be made to develop reading habits of children after due planning. Reading books is a great ‘brain tool’, to learn and develop important life skills, in terms of education, self improvement, positive life choices and all round well-being. Reading helps one stretch memory muscles in a similar way as the other muscles are stretched through gyms or games. Good books help students to be rational enough to differentiate between right and wrong. This deep and wide wisdom provides students the ability to reduce mistakes. Books are good source for language skills and intellectual development. Several researches have been conducted showing that book reading is indeed associated with one’s use of language and giving new details about how the variety of book reading impacts linguistic development.
Reading has both mental and physical benefits. Psychiatrists believe that reading keeps mind active. Developing good reading skills produces the quality of assimilating the content. Reading is an active mental process. Books provide information that goes deeper than just classroom discussion. They elaborate on what one takes as small chunks of information from different sources; thus make the focus and concentration better. Reading makes students disciplined and scheduled. A book reader is a problem solver and expert on the topics that translates him/her into higher self esteem. Reading exposes one to a huge world of new words and gives an insight of etymology. Knowledge about new cultures and places are inevitable for students of elementary, high and secondary schools. Books can expand horizons by providing information and are good source of education. Where formal education requires time commitments, books which are cheap and portable have no late-bells or hourly commitments
This good habit should never die down in us. Let us encourage reading books.
Reading is not merely decoding information or pronouncing words correctly. It is aninteractive dialogue between the author and the reader in which theyshare their experiences and knowledge with each other to understand the text and impart meaning to the text other than what the author may have implied. Good readers are critical readers with an ability to arrive at a deeper understanding of not only the world presented in the book but also of the real world around them. They not only recall what they read but comprehend it too. Their critical reading and understanding of the text helps them create new levels of understanding, solving problems, inferring and making connections to other texts and experiences. Reading does not mean reading for leisure only but also reading for information. One may be encouraged to read on topics as diverse as science and technology, politics and history. This will improve the critical thinking skills and also help in improving concentration.
It is often seen that reading book projects are assigned to children in which they are expected to read a book and write a report on it. Though the spirit behind the assigning of the project is commendable, the project does not often interest the students nor does it fulfill the objective which is to inculcate in students the habit of reading.
One of the most important suggestions for promotion of learning is to develop reading habits among children. As habits are more or less routine ways of acting they are considered as second nature. Happiness depends on developing good habits which in turn motivate behavior. Hence efforts should be made to develop reading habits of children after due planning. Reading books is a great ‘brain tool’, to learn and develop important life skills, in terms of education, self improvement, positive life choices and all round well-being. Reading helps one stretch memory muscles in a similar way as the other muscles are stretched through gyms or games. Good books help students to be rational enough to differentiate between right and wrong. This deep and wide wisdom provides students the ability to reduce mistakes. Books are good source for language skills and intellectual development. Several researches have been conducted showing that book reading is indeed associated with one’s use of language and giving new details about how the variety of book reading impacts linguistic development.
Reading has both mental and physical benefits. Psychiatrists believe that reading keeps mind active. Developing good reading skills produces the quality of assimilating the content. Reading is an active mental process. Books provide information that goes deeper than just classroom discussion. They elaborate on what one takes as small chunks of information from different sources; thus make the focus and concentration better. Reading makes students disciplined and scheduled. A book reader is a problem solver and expert on the topics that translates him/her into higher self esteem. Reading exposes one to a huge world of new words and gives an insight of etymology. Knowledge about new cultures and places are inevitable for students of elementary, high and secondary schools. Books can expand horizons by providing information and are good source of education. Where formal education requires time commitments, books which are cheap and portable have no late-bells or hourly commitments
This good habit should never die down in us. Let us encourage reading books.
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